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PROJECT //  01

Our Mission:

Our Vision:


Invest in the future of SUCCESS!




This company is a sole proprietorship that is set up as a Brick and Mortar business model.

35 million kids ages 5 to 18 play sports each year! In this age range 60% of kids play sports outside of school, and out of that, 52% of girls play an organized sport. The amazing thing about all these athletes is they don't just do it for themselves but they do it for others and play for their love of the game. 65% of athletes who play a sport are in it to be with friends and 20% do it just to improve their skills. Not only do they amaze coaches with their motives and hard work but 71% of athletes admit they wouldn't care if the score was kept! Also, 90% said that they would prefer to be on the losing team if they could play than warm the bench on a winning team.

There are also many statistics that show kids involved in sports are less likely to get into trouble. For example:


- Female high school athletes are 92% less likely to get involved with drugs

- Female high school athletes are 80% less likely to get pregnant
- Female high school athletes are 3 times more likely to graduate than non-ahtletes

55% of businesses that offered a service are still operating after 4 years. Their major reasons for failure were going into business for the wrong reason, having to much pride that it effected their work, taking the wrong advice from the wrong people, etc. But since we have the research done and know exactly why we want to open our business and professionals behind us who are always there to give us advice that is truthful, we are ahead of the game and ready to beat our competition. 

With all these statistics in our favor it gives us a huge growth potential if we execute the right marketing tools and create a friendly and helpful environment for every player!

Lets look at the facts!

In order to promote our clinic we would discount the first 25 people to sign up for the clinc each week during our first year. Instead of them paying $150 dollars we would let them save $25 and only have to pay $125. We are open for 11 weeks each year so that would mean that 275 players are eligible for this offer.


another promotional campign we would run would be promoting our clinic at sporting events. If we know of an ASA tournament being held we will put up signs and hand out flyers to both parents and players. A parent may look at it as a way to help her daughter improve. If we are able to get one player on a team to be interested and excited about htis new camp then we could potentially get a whole team signing up. This is beacause a lot of girls will go to camps that their friends go to knowing that they will have more fun. As a way to help persuade these players into joining we would give a team discount where each player saves $10 and gets a customized team shirt if they sign up together. In order to be eligible for the discount and shirt at least 10 players must sign up as a team.

Time to Promote!

In a recent survey taken by players, we received great results. We asked many questions revolving around why they chose to attend a camp and keep going back, as well as how they found out about it.


66% of players said that the camp is most successful when the coaches experience is advertised or hearing of previous success.

67& of players said they chose to go to sports camps to learn the game and improve their skills.

56% of players said meeting the other players is what makes camps most enjoyable.

Almost all of the players said they would return if they enjoyed the camp. We got one no, where the player explained they would go to another camp to learn from a different coach.

The Next Generation

of Players Softball Clinic

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